Let’s face it.. there will come a time when we just want less things to worry about and live a simple life. Maybe the kids are already grown up and have purchased their own homes. Maybe you retired from work and would like to do more travelling. Or maybe you just don’t want to spend your days cleaning your big house everyday. Whatever the reason, downsizing can sometimes turn out to be a complicated decision and an emotional one. Our trusted professional organizer, Heart of the Matter / Senior’s Move, actually refers to this process as rightsizing, and provides encouraging tips and proven success strategies in the following article:
Do you have 12 or more cups and saucers, but only use mugs?
Do you have records and tapes that no one has listened to in years?
Do you have old wedding announcements and greeting cards squirreled away from acquaintances you can scarcely remember?
Does your medicine chest hold bottles of ancient vitamins and antique prescriptions?
Do you own costume jewelry, pins, badges and brooches that you no longer wear (and for good reason)?
Do you have a storage area housing decorations that you haven’t decorated with for years?
If you have answered “yes” to a couple of these questions, perhaps you also find yourself living in the empty nest and are now thinking about rightsizing.
Leaving a home where you have lived for many years is very difficult. Warm memories and positive life experiences are no doubt part of the years spent in this home.
It is important to put a positive spin on what can be an emotional time of life. It is easy to find the negatives, but let’s look for the positives. Instead of referring to this process as downsizing consider it instead as rightsizing.
It can feel overwhelming! Where do you start? How do you begin? We can provide you with some guidelines Read more here!